Christmas is a wonderful time of the year filled with many hopes. Hope is fundamental to human existence. It looks ahead to what is next and keeps things moving. Without hope, humanity would be left joyless, directionless, and without motivation. God is the giver of the lasting hope that humanity was created for. God gives hope for the present, the future, and for what lies ahead in eternity. Christians around the world are especially encouraged by this hope at Christmas.
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon penned his frustration at what he had been hoping in and how it did not fulfil because he did not have God in the picture. A few times in the book he also gives a way toward real hope by making God the priority. In Ecclesiastes 3:11–12 (ESV) he says “He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live.”
Consider three simple truths from these verses that can bring lasting hope this Christmas.
1. Joyfully embrace what God is doing over the course of time. “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” - Eccles. 3:11a
Life brings many experiences. Some are fun and exciting, and others are painful and difficult. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 makes a clear point that there is a time and season for everything under the sun. Life is a journey, but it is all heading toward God’s beauty. In time God is making everything beautiful. It often does not feel that way, but God is in the process of bringing all of life together to make it beautiful. Embrace this evolving beauty this Christmas.
2. Joyfully looking ahead to eternity. “He has put eternity into man’s heart.” – Eccles. 3:11b
Human beings long for something beyond this sin-cursed world, because God planted it in their hearts. It is a desire to prosper and live a life free of suffering and hardship, and to make a lasting difference. All humans look ahead and plan for eternity. God placed that desire for eternity in their hearts. People were not created for this world, but for the one to come. Look ahead to your eternal destination this Christmas.
3. Joyfully experience the life God has given you now. “There is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live.” Eccles. 3:12
God wants you to experience and enjoy this present life and the gifts He has given. He says that you can’t do better in this life than to joyfully embrace your current situation and do good all your days. Live life fully right now by taking joy in in God’s blessings and in helping others do the same.
Christmas is the season to be joyful. God makes it meaningful past, present, and future. Do not put your hope in the temporary occupations of life. Find true and meaningful hope this Christmas by embracing and looking ahead to what God is doing. Only He can give lasting hope.