We are all called to be ambassadors of Christ
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."
- 2 Corinthians 5:20
Friday Night
Friday Family Night @ 6:00pm
This is a time for parents and kids (a light dinner will be served).
Learn about Cambodia with our partners, Mades and Sopheary.
Saturday Night
Saturday Evening with Our Ambassadors @ 6:00pm
This time is for adults plus our youth group.
We will hear from some of our Global Partners including
Darlene Weidman, Josh Crans, and Mades & Sopheary.
Fellowship and ice cream Sundaes at 7:00pm.
Sunday Morning and Afternoon
Sunday Service @ 9:00am / 10:30am
Pastor Steve will preach on 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Combined Adult Class @ 9:00am / 10:30am in the Gym
Mades & Sopheary will share about their ministry in Cambodia.
Missions Luncheon @ noon:
We will have a potluck after church with a Cambodian theme.
(There will also be pizza and potluck desserts).
We will have special guests from the Khmer Church of Harrisburg.